Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Trikonasana This is in continuation of my previous post,where I was discussing yogasanaas or yogic postures in standing position. As I said earlier ,these are very simple postures, which everyone can practice.Only thing that we need is strong determination and regular practice.I know that in the present day busy life few minutes are also precious.But more precious thing is our health.Sacrifice few minutes of your internet time on WhatsApp or other social media or TV viewing time.If you follow and practice atleast few of these aasanaas ,you will definitely appreciate me after seeing improvement in your general health. As the name suggests,Trikona means triangle.Bending the body like a triangle makes it very flexible and srengthens hamstrings. The body of the performer resembles a triangle,hence the name Trikonaasana. Caution : This aasana should not be practiced by those suffering from back aches,slip disc,sciatica and other back problems. Now let us see how to do it. Stand straight keeping a distance of about 75 cms between the feet.Stretch your arms sideways such a way that your palms face the ground.Slowly raise them to the level of shoulders.Now bend the trunk and without bending the knees, touch the big toe of the left foot with the right hand.Stretch the left arm upwards.Look skywards by slowly turning the face.Then return to the original position.Again bend your trunk and touch the big toe of the right foot with the left hand and raise the right hand . Repeat the action atleast 5 times. Benefits : Waist and knees become stronger.Relieves the stiffness of the neck . It makes the spine fiexible and improves eye sight. Here Iam giving the picture of Trikonaasana for reference.
As shown above, the body assumes a triangle pose .Daily practice of this aasana improves blood circulation. I will discuss the third aasana ,that is Paada hastasana in my next post.

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