Friday, October 12, 2018

A demo of Suryanamaskar,to start a healthy and active day.

This is a demonstration of the order of Surya namaskar postures.In the Early morning on an empty stomach,these Surya namaskaras should be performed,standing facing the Sun.This is the best and ideal yogasana for curing many ailments,like arthritis ,liver and kidney problems,respiratory problems,diabetes ,digestive problems,constipation, asthma and many more diseases,provided systematically and regularly practiced.
     Surya namaskar,brings our body breath and mind together.When performed in the morning,it revitalizes our body and refreshes the mind.It makes us energetic throughout the day.The cyclic movements of Surya namaskar with controlled breathing and with its forward bends and backward bends and different postures give immense health benefits.It is a scientific method for improving the general health of the body and mind.
  To mention briefly, it helps loose weight,strengthens muscles and joints,gives glowing skin,improves functioning of digestive system,helps cope with insomnia and brings down blood sugar levels.
These are designed in such a way that they have an amazing impact on heart,stomach,liver,intestines, lungs and legs.i In short ,they are designed for the well being of the body and to balance the three  constitutions of the body namely Vata ,Pitta and Kapha.{As per ayurveda,the ancient Indian medical science }One round of Surya namaskar helps burn up 14 calories.A 30 minutes practice burns 417 calories,which is greater than all other workouts like tennis,basket ball,running etc
      The solar plexus is the central point of the human body.It is behind the navel and connects.with the Sun.The consistent performance of Surya namaskaras in the mornings can boost solar plexus.As aresult vitality,confidence,ingenuity.instinctive and mental abilities will increase.If it is performed at a slow pace and with awareness on breath, it gives excellent results.

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