Friday, September 30, 2016

"surya namaskar"---Sun Salutations.

Surya Namaskar  [Sun Salutations ]

 After knowing a few preliminary things about yoga,one should start by warming up through "sukshma vyayama " to prepare the body for yogasanas.Sukskma vyayamas are nothing but minor exercises from head to toe.Starting from head every joint is moved in clock-wise and anti clock-wise direction.Stand straight and keep the head ,the neck and the whole body erect..keep the knees close together ,shoulders straight and hands downwards at the sides of the body.Now slowly bend the head back-wards,then bend down in the front,then to the right and to the left.Remember that all these movements should be in a slow slowly rotate the head in clock-wise and anti clock-wise direction.Then stretch the hands in front of you and make fists.Rotate the wrist in clock-wise and anti clock-wise direction.Similarly rotate both the hands at the shoulder,Then rotate only waist in both directions without moving other parts of the body.In the same way rotate knee joints and ankles.Then move the toes down wards and back .Now clasp the hands behind and slowly bend down.exhaling.Slowly come to standing position and then bend back wards ,still clasping the hands behind.Then raise both the hands above your head,. clasp and walk on big toe for 2 or 3 meters.
  All these minor exercises take not more than 10 minutes.There are a number of Sukshma vyayamas but these are enough for regular practice.If a person can not do yogasanas for any reason like sickness or lack of time these exercises give tremendous benefits.'
After doing sukshma vyayamas the body will be free from stiffness and gets flexibility.Before starting yogasanas it is beneficial to do "surya namaskar"[Sun Salutations]

In nature there are five elements-Earth.Water.Air,fire and Ether.Ancient Indian culture recognized their importance for the existence of life on this planet .These are known as" pancha bhutas " and they were worshiped .Fire is represented by the Sun.The Sun light and heat sustain life on earth.The Sun is the life source for this planet.The Sun light and heat warm the seas,generate weather patterns and give energy to the plants that give us food and oxygen.In every thing that we eat,drink and breathe there is an element of Sun.Sun light naturally increases Serotonin levels which boosts mood.lowers Blood pressure and gives vitamin D.
Doing Surya Namaskaras  in the early morning at Sun Rise gives the best results. If it is not possible one can practice indoors also.Surya namaskar or Sun salutations are a set of 12 body postures combined with proper breathing pattern.They are not mere body exercised.They give a complete work out for the entire physical system.One round of Surya namaskar burns up to 13.90 calories
If  they are done in their traditional way they give good results.But today a no. of variations are taught without following breathing pattern.Some are doing very hastily like a mere exercise.
                 Before actually beginning the practice let us see how Surya namaskar benefits our body.Surya namaskar increases flexibility of the body,combats insomnia,improves digetion and increases efficiancy of circulatory system..It increases vitality and concentration and aids in hair growth.Improves heart and lung functioning.Nervous system and endocrine organs are also benefited.There will be greater flexibility to the spine.Since it is a total body work out designed systematically, it gives total health to the internal and exrernal parts of the body..
In my next write up I will introduce the way of doing Surya namaskara or Sun salutations. Wish you good luck and good health.

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