Friday, September 30, 2016

"surya namaskar"---Sun Salutations.

Surya Namaskar  [Sun Salutations ]

 After knowing a few preliminary things about yoga,one should start by warming up through "sukshma vyayama " to prepare the body for yogasanas.Sukskma vyayamas are nothing but minor exercises from head to toe.Starting from head every joint is moved in clock-wise and anti clock-wise direction.Stand straight and keep the head ,the neck and the whole body erect..keep the knees close together ,shoulders straight and hands downwards at the sides of the body.Now slowly bend the head back-wards,then bend down in the front,then to the right and to the left.Remember that all these movements should be in a slow slowly rotate the head in clock-wise and anti clock-wise direction.Then stretch the hands in front of you and make fists.Rotate the wrist in clock-wise and anti clock-wise direction.Similarly rotate both the hands at the shoulder,Then rotate only waist in both directions without moving other parts of the body.In the same way rotate knee joints and ankles.Then move the toes down wards and back .Now clasp the hands behind and slowly bend down.exhaling.Slowly come to standing position and then bend back wards ,still clasping the hands behind.Then raise both the hands above your head,. clasp and walk on big toe for 2 or 3 meters.
  All these minor exercises take not more than 10 minutes.There are a number of Sukshma vyayamas but these are enough for regular practice.If a person can not do yogasanas for any reason like sickness or lack of time these exercises give tremendous benefits.'
After doing sukshma vyayamas the body will be free from stiffness and gets flexibility.Before starting yogasanas it is beneficial to do "surya namaskar"[Sun Salutations]

In nature there are five elements-Earth.Water.Air,fire and Ether.Ancient Indian culture recognized their importance for the existence of life on this planet .These are known as" pancha bhutas " and they were worshiped .Fire is represented by the Sun.The Sun light and heat sustain life on earth.The Sun is the life source for this planet.The Sun light and heat warm the seas,generate weather patterns and give energy to the plants that give us food and oxygen.In every thing that we eat,drink and breathe there is an element of Sun.Sun light naturally increases Serotonin levels which boosts mood.lowers Blood pressure and gives vitamin D.
Doing Surya Namaskaras  in the early morning at Sun Rise gives the best results. If it is not possible one can practice indoors also.Surya namaskar or Sun salutations are a set of 12 body postures combined with proper breathing pattern.They are not mere body exercised.They give a complete work out for the entire physical system.One round of Surya namaskar burns up to 13.90 calories
If  they are done in their traditional way they give good results.But today a no. of variations are taught without following breathing pattern.Some are doing very hastily like a mere exercise.
                 Before actually beginning the practice let us see how Surya namaskar benefits our body.Surya namaskar increases flexibility of the body,combats insomnia,improves digetion and increases efficiancy of circulatory system..It increases vitality and concentration and aids in hair growth.Improves heart and lung functioning.Nervous system and endocrine organs are also benefited.There will be greater flexibility to the spine.Since it is a total body work out designed systematically, it gives total health to the internal and exrernal parts of the body..
In my next write up I will introduce the way of doing Surya namaskara or Sun salutations. Wish you good luck and good health.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


                              preliminary things to know.

 There are a few things to know before actually beginning Yogasanas or postures.Human body is like a machine.Just like how a machine is to be oiled and cleaned to keep it in good condition and to use it for a long time,our body is to be looked after daily for at least 30 minutes.,to have long and healthy life. Yogasanas keep the internal and external parts of the body in good health.

  1. Early morning is the ideal time for yogasanas.If one can not get up early at least soon after getting up asanas should be practiced. 
  2. Before starting yoga practice ,the bowels and the bladder should be emptied 
  3. Clothing should be comfortable,like a stretch pant and a t shirt.
  4. Asanas should be practiced on a level ground on a carpet.
  5. The place should be clean and noise free.
  6. One should remain silent and concentrate on breathing while practicing breathing.
  7. Concentration is necessary for all round progress of body and mind.
  8. There should not be any force or jerk in practicing asanasTthey should be performed in a slow and steady manner ,not in a haste.
  9. If one is suffering from fever or any complicated disease,the practice should be avoided.
  10. Women should not practice asanas 4 months after conception, for3 months after delivery and during menstruation.
  11. Before starting the practice one should do a small warm up of the body by moving all the joints in clock wise and anti clock wise direction.This is to prepare the body for practice.These are called" sukshma vyayama". 
  12. After completing asanas one should perform " savasana "[lying flat and relaxing.] By savasana body becomes energetic.

         Yogasanas are preferable to other types of physical exercises for some reasons.

  1. Yogasanas can be started at any age 
  2. Unlike other physical exercises, ,internal organs of the body also get proper exercise. 
  3. Yogasanas have impact on the body ,mind and senses and calm the mind and control the senses.
  4. After some time for any reason if yoga practice is discontinued,there will not be any side effect,like gaining weight or obesity. But once we stop any other exercise like work out at gymnasium ,there will be weight gain again.
  5. Yoga doesn't require any expensive equipment.
  6. Body becomes flexible and energetic and one looks younger.
  7. .Yogasanas stimulate different glands of the body and they produce secretions in right proportion to help the body function properly.
  8. Diseases like constipation,head ache,gas-trouble,diabetes blood pressure,hernia,respiratory problems etc. can be cured by practicing yogasanas and pranayama
  9. Yoga also helps intellectual and spiritual development.     
     As I have discussed above, if yogasanas are practiced methodically,followed by "pranayama'[controlled breathing] and simple food,one will definitely enjoy good health.People are often misguided by the advertisements offering different products to control diseases or weight within no time.But there is no such miracle which works instantly.Yoga is the safe ,scientific . time-tested and inexpensive method which gives tremendous treasure of health.
             As shown above these are the natural rules for a healthy life.Fresh air.water and sun shine are abundant in supply in the nature.Only diet ,exercise and rest are to be taken care of for a healthy life..
           In continuation of this I would like to discuss  "surya namaskaras' or Sun salutations in my next article.

Friday, September 23, 2016

YOGA---A treasure of health.

                                      YOGA---A Treasure of Health.

It is my pleasure to write articles on yoga and healthy living.It is my sincere attempt to help at least few people to  gain benefit out of yoga and some tips on health.Prevention is better than cure.If we are cautious about our health from the beginning,we can prevent many diseases.Disease means "dis--ease",.the body is in discomfort..

The ancient Indian sages had given a tremendous treasure of knowledge,"YOGA".Yoga is a science of right living,which enables the physical,emotional,mental,psychic and spiritual well being of a person practicing it.It emphasizes the relationship of body mind and breath .Yoga brings stability to the body and wavering mind. Its positive effects on the health and mind are visible over time, if one practices it regularly. It is a medication without the actual use of medicines.

The science of yoga was originated  in India  thousands of years ago.Several thousand years ago, on the banks of the lake Kantisarover,in the Himalayas,Adiyogi.conveyed this profound knowledge to the Saptarishis or " seven sages" .The sages carried this powerful yogic knowledge to different parts of the world including Asia,the Middle East,North Africa and the South America.,.There is mention about yoga in  Rigveda, one of the sacred  texts of Hinduism.Later sage} PATANJALI codified all the yogic practices and techniques in to a treatise "Patanjali Yogasastra'.

The word, Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "union'. Union of individual consciousness with the universal consciousness  Yoga is a path towards total harmony of body mind and spirit.It integrates body ,mind and spirit to achieve a state of enlightenment or oneness with the universe.

Yoga is wrongly interpreted as physical exercises or postures ,by some people.It is not confined to physical exercises only.It comprises of eight stages known as" Astanga yoga"They are ===

1.  Yama [social discipline]         : It  contains 5 moral practices ---
               1.Non violence      [Ahimsa   ]                                                                                            
               2.Truthfulness       [Satya      ]                                                                                           
               3.Non stealing       [Asteya    ]                                                                                           
               4.Celibacy             [Brahmacharya]                                                                                                            5.Non acquisitiveness [Aparigraha]               
Non violence is not to hurt any creature physically or mentally,Truthfulness is not to lie or presentation of truth,Non stealing is not to covet other's possessions,Celibacy is moderation in sex between married couples and Non acquisitiveness is abandoning wealth and sensual pleasures.

2. Niyama [individual discipline]  It  consists of  5 rules of conduct-
                1.Cleanliness  [Shaucha   ]                                                                                          
                2.Contentment[Santosha  ]                                                                                             
                3.Austerity      [Tapas       ]                                                                                           
                4.Self-study     [Sadhyaya ]                                                                                               
                    to God         [Iswar pranidhana]                                                                                                                         
   Cleanliness is internal and external purification of the body and mind,Contentment is a state of mind by which one lives happily and satisfied,Austerity is penance to conquest all desires and sensual pleasures,Self study is introspection of self and Surrender to God is pure devotion to God.  
3.Asana   [postures]  Asanas are the postures of the body to bring stability and flexibility to the body and poise to the mind. 

4.Pranayama [breath control] Pranayama is regulating breathing to stimulate and harmonize the vital energy of the body.It also purifies and calms the mind. 

5.Pratyahara [discipline of the senses] Pratyahara is drawing the senses inwards from the worldly objects to wards the source of existence.In other words putting the senses under restraint. 

6.Dharana [concentration] Dharana is practicing concentration of mind. 

7.Dhyana  [meditation]     Dhyana is meditation.It is deep concentration on the inner source of existence. 

8.Samadhi [self-realization ] Samadhi is the final stage of yoga where one's identity merges with the Divine or ultimate reality.It is achieved through deep meditation.

But unfortunately today yoga and physical exercises are the two terms used interchangeably. Yoga is very often mistook for physical exercises or postures.Actually ,this part of yoga called" Asanas " are a set of body postures designed in a scientific way to help achieve sound health.

In my next article I will discuss few of these 'asanas' to improve overall health.

Oom......... Asathoma Sadgamaya
Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya
Mrutyorma Amrutangamaya
Om.... Shanthi......... Shanthi.......... Shanthi hi......
Meaning of the above Shloka -
Lead me from Untruth to Truth, from darkness to light, (from ignorance to enlightenment), from Mortality to Immortality, Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.
