Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Some selected yogaasanas (yoga poses) for general health..

After a long time ,I found some free time of my own to revive my flair for writing.In the present day ,hectic life ,one should set aside some free time for her/himself to maintain the general health of the body without which we have to spend our money as well as time,by way of medical bills and long waiting hours at the doctors.If we can afford to spare few minutes every day for practicing simple yogasanas,(yogic postures),we can maintain general health of the body.Here,I am giving a list of such yogic postures and the procedure to be followed for performing such aasanas or postures.Some of them are done in standing position,some in sitting position and some more in lying position.
The ideal time for doing this is in the morning on an empty stomach.If it is not possible at least 3 hours after taking food.
Before beginning the practice,one should do Sukshma vyaayama[warm up] for 5 minutes.Warm up is to prepare the body for bending in different ways while doing yogasanas.In the beginning I will discuss how to do Sukshma vyaayama or warm up.
Stand  straight and start with bending the head slowly downward and backward and then move the head clock wise and anti clock wise Then stretch both the hands forward close both the fists,move the wrists clock wise and anti clock wise.bend the hands at the elbows,touch the shoulders and move the shoulders clockwise and anti clockwise. Then put the hands at the naval and move naval part clockwise and anticlockwise .Now touch just above the knees and slightly bend the knees and move them clockwise and anti clockwise .Similarly move each foot clockwise and anti clockwise. Now clasp the hands behind and slowly bend backwards and now exhaling the breath slowly bend forward as much as you can. .Don't over strain the body .All this should be done slowly and to the extent that the body permits ..After a regular practice you can notice that your body becomes more flexible and bending much better .Now you can start with one or two rounds of Surya namaskaras. Then Yogasanas can be practiced.
These asanaas or postures which we can do regularly promote health and flexibility .For the sake of convenience I divide them in to sitting postures, standing postures and lay down postures .Only few important  asaanas which are necessary and can be easily performed, I am listing out.
Asaanas in standing position.
 3 padahastasana
Here i am explaining only simple asanas ,which everyone can incorporate in her/his daily practice of yoga.
Vrikshasana  : Vriksha means a tree .As the body assumes the shape of a tree in this aasana, it is named 
Procedure : Stand on one leg.{initially take support of a wall if you can not balance}Bend the other leg at the knee and place its heel at the root of the thigh of the former leg. Join the palms and raise arms straight over the head. Straighten the elbows. Inhale slowly and remain in this position for 10 seconds.
Then repeat the pose standing on the other leg.
This asana tones up all the joints of the body.
Blood flow to the blood vessels of the toes, the knees and the elbows is regulated.
The hands and the legs become flexible.
The body structure will be in good shape.

                             This is the picture of  Vrikshasana. To complete the asana it should be repeated with the other leg. The other two asanas ,I will discuss in my next post .For the time being if you practice ,up to Sukshma  vyayama (warm up) and Surya namaskaar  (Sun salutation),you begin to feel improvement in your fitness and health.